Please use the following link after logging into your account to view your Dual Universe account's security settings:
There, you will be able to set up 2FA and also disable it if needed by entering your account password in the applicable section once 2FA has been enabled.
After activating 2FA on your account, you will receive the following in-game rewards on your next log in!
- Talents: One million free skill points added to your available pool.
- Money: Five hundred thousands quanta of it, to be exact.
- Fashion: An exclusive skin for your programming boards to show off your commitment to security:
(How to change the programming board element skin: Stand In front of the element and right-click on it to bring up the menu. Actions for this element -> Change skin -> List. In this last sub-menu, you’ll see the list of skin names that you own for this element. Click the one you want to apply to the element. You can apply skins to elements of ANY construct for which you have the Build Rights.)