Welcome Novean!
Below you can find information on the gunnery tutorial, it's functions and a walkthrough to assist you with your first steps as gunner, or should you get lost at any point following the tutorial.
Table of contents
Tutorial access
To get started with the gunnery tutorial, all you have to do is to find a VR tutorial station at any of the Markets or districts, on any of the planets / moons. Once there, interacting with the VR station or floor pad will provide the option to select all available tutorials including the Gunnery tutorial.
- Get into the gunner seat
- Press on the highlighted button > order by distance ascending
- Identify target A by clicking the yellow arrow next to its name
- Identified targets will appear in the middle section of the interface. This is also where you select between identified targets to order your Weapons to switch
- In the middle interface you can also see the maximum number of targets. Bigger Gunner Modules and Radars can handle more targets at the same time than the current Gunner Module S
- Highlight target and press the button to enlarge periscope view.
- Press INS button to return to the normal UI
- Cycle INS again and close with X
Ammo types - firing mechanics and reloading
- Get a batch of ammo from the dispenser
- Open Ammo Container and put ammo
- Return to gunner seat and enter with F
- Identify target A again with the arrows
- Load munition
- Fire on target A
- Go down using the elevator, stand in the circle and press the crouch key
- Aphelia showing railgun and laser, explaining tracking speed
- Aphelia showing cannon and rocket launcher explaining their deltas
- Reach new waypoint.
- Aphelia explaining ammo types
- Go to selected chair (short range) and enter it
- Select target B and shoot both guns
- Go to the selected chair (long range) and enter it
- Identify target C
- Fire both railgun and laser at target C
- Exit the chair - Exiting via VR pad
Congratulations, you have completed the gunnery tutorial!
As always in DualUniverse, there is a lot more to discover. Feel free to join you fellow Noveans for in depth discussions and additional information here: https://board.dualthegame.com/
Additional tutorials
- Main tutorial short version
- Main tutorial long version
- Construction tutorial
- Advanced construction tutorial
- Core mining tutorial
- Surface mining tutorial
- Industry tutorial
- Market tutorial
- Hovercraft Piloting tutorial
- Hovercraft/ship upgrade tutorial
- Atmospheric flight tutorial