Welcome Novean!
Below you can find information on the core mining tutorial, it's functions and a walkthrough to assist you with your first steps as core miner, or should you get lost at any point following the tutorial.
Table of contents
- General information - tutorial access
- Tier 1- Tier 5 ore overview
- Accessing the core mining tutorial
- Using your scanner - basic triangulation instructions
- Locating the ore deposit underground
- Mining a core deposit
- Additional tutorials
General information - tutorial access
To get started with the core mining tutorial, all you have to do is to find a VR tutorial station at any of the Markets or districts, on any of the planets / moons. Once there, interacting with the VR station or floor pad will provide the option to select all available tutorials including the Core mining tutorial. You would also be able to find the Mining Institute located @ ::pos{0,2,29.0607,95.1856,291.9155}
MINING TUTORIAL M2 - Core mining
- Entering the building leads you to the Mining Exhibition Area
- Feel free to proceed forward into the area if you would like some basic information on the materials you will find in Dual Universe, and the Tiers they are categorized into.
- All ore and refined materials in Dual Universe are categorized into "Tiers" -
Tier 1- Tier 5 ores
Ore Tier |
Ore Type |
Refined Pure |
Ore Density (kg/L) |
1.28 |
1.35 |
5.04 |
2.65 |
2.71 |
4.54 |
4.00 |
1.55 |
2.6 |
2.41 |
5.01 |
7.2 |
2.95 |
6.33 |
19.3 |
2.37 |
5.38 |
3.76 |
4.55 |
6.95 |
Accessing the core mining tutorial
- You can find a golden path laid out for you to follow, doing so will lead you through the tutorial area, where you will access the mining tutorial itself via a VR Pod.
- Follow the path to the Mining Tutorial Area
- Take the M2 elevators to the Mining Basics Tutorial Area
- Locate an empty Tutorial VR Pod
- Activate the Mining Basics Tutorial Pod with [F]
- Confirm the start of the tutorial
Using your scanner - basic triangulation instructions
How to use your scanner to find specific ore deposits and pinpoint their location
- Follow Aphelia's instructions and activate your scanner tool to begin
- Upon activating your Scanner tool, Aphelia then explains the basic features and functionality of the device.
- In Summary: When active the scanner device emits a pulse every few feet the player moves.
- The Center graph reveals any detected ores with a dot and colored line specific to each ore.
- Distance is represented on the vertical number line located on the right side of the scanner UI window Aphelia notes the scanner tool has a range limit of 200 meters by default and that talents can increase the scanner's capabilities.
- Talents affecting your mining performance can be found by pressing [F2] - Mining Category - Scanner Upgrades Talent. These talents may be addressed at a later time and are not necessary for completion of the tutorial.
- Head towards the waypoint.
- Filter scanner results further by hitting the TAB key to "lock" your interface, this enables you to interact directly with the scanner
- Clicking on the Scanner graph gives access to the "Scanner Calibration" window
- The Scanner Calibration Window is the point of access to adjust the filter setting for your scanner tool. This will allow you to search for a specific ore type or tier, and not display other ores in the detectable area of the scanners range.
- Filter all but Tier 1 ores for this tutorial by clicking on all of the other categories in the scanner calibration window to remove them from the scan filter. This will be indicated by that tier going "dark"
- Filter the scanner results further by de-selecting Quartz from the Tier 1 Ore Category
- Take notice of the Long /Short Range buttons for later use during the tutorial
- Close the Scanner Calibration window by hitting [TAB]
- Head towards the next waypoint with your scanner tool active
- Aphelia informs you that you can also manually trigger the scanners pulse by hitting the LMB (left mouse button) while holding the LEFT ALT key - Trigger the manual pulse to continue the tutorial
- Once the manual pulse has been triggered, a new waypoint is set
- Head towards the next waypoint
- Aphelia begins to explain the basic mechanics of mining in DU, likening it to a game of "Hot and Cold" and that finding the best location is most easily done by picking a spot and investigating the cardinal directions around it.
- Move to the next waypoint marker set to the North. As you travel to the next waypoint, take note of the relative distance to the ore displayed in your scanner graph. In this example it is about 100 meters away
- Upon Arriving at the North Waypoint the tutorial progresses, a new waypoint is then set to the South
- Proceed to the South Waypoint As you travel towards the South Waypoint, once again note the relative position of the ore in your scanner graph.
- Upon reaching the South Waypoint notice the distance to the ore is now 150m, this is too far, Aphelia instructs you to head back to the Antenna Waypoint
- Once at the Antenna Waypoint you are to search the East and West cardinal directions from the original starting point
- Head to the East Waypoint, noting the relative position of the ore in your scanner graph.
- Once you arrive at the East Waypoint note the position of the ore in the scanner graph
- You are now even further from the ore, in this example about 175 meters
- A new waypoint is set to the West, head towards the West Waypoint.
- Upon arriving at the West Waypoint you will be less than 100 meters from the ore. That makes this a good place to start digging.
Locating the ore deposit underground
- Now you must learn to orient yourself via Angles and Altitude
- Activate your flashlight and pitch indicator using [L] which can help you to precisely orient yourself to a heading and keep your digging organized.
- Also take note of your Altitude Display, highlighted in the green marker box in the upper right of the display. it will let you know how far to dig and to know your depth underground.
- You can use your Scanner Tool, Directional Detector, or Mining Tool to dig.
- For this tutorial keep your scanner tool active, target the terrain and clicking or holding the LMB-(left mouse button)
- Keeping a shallow angle while digging ( 40 to 60 degrees) ensures comfortable travell through your tunnels - if the angle is too steep you won't be able to climb back out easily
It is worth noting at this time a talent that affects all digging tools the - DIG TOOL EFFICIENCY- talent is by far one of the most important talents for anyone doing any amount of mining or terraforming as the talent allows for a larger selectable digging sphere. Hold The left shift key and scroll MMB (middle mouse button/wheel)with a digging tool active to increase / decrease the size of your digging sphere. - Dig towards the new waypoint set underground. Aphelia informs you of some basic ore location data- basic ores are found at surface depths and the rarer ores are found at deeper depths.
- You can Activate Auto-Dig by clicking the MMB -(middle mouse button) with a digging tool active.
- Once you approach the waypoint you are instructed to take a break from digging to explore a new tool, open your inventory and see the tool highlighted with the green marker box
- You are instructed to drag the flattening tool to your number 9 slot of your toolbar.
- The Flattening Tool will allow for much greater speed when digging horizontally, as well as providing a smooth, level surface to navigate on. Aphelia informs of that with wisely chosen talents, The Flattening tool can dig much larger tunnels than the mining tool on its own and will keep your tunnels perfectly flat.
- Activate your Terraforming tool you just placed in the number 9 slot of your toolbar.
- Use the terraforming tool to head towards the ore.
- When you are closer to the ore Aphelia then instructs you to activate your scanning tool again, then to hit the TAB key and and click on the scanner graph.
- Activate Short Range mode of the scanner by clicking the button marked short range highlighted in the green marker box. The short range mode of the scanner is extremely useful when you have narrowed down the distance to your target. It has a maximum range of 50 meters which allows for much greater precision and efficiency when in close proximity to the target ore.
- Aphelia instructs you to look around and manually activate your scanner a few times- using left alt and LMB to try and get closer to the ore. Once completed the tutorial continues.
- Once this is done a new waypoint is set for you to dig to, dig towards the new waypoint, when you arrive at the waypoint you will find a waypoint marker as seen in the example.
- You are instructed to activate your Directional Detector
- The Directional Detector is useful when in extremely close proximity to the ore, it can be very difficult to tell which direction to dig in, the directional detector has a base range of 35 meters, this can be increased with talents to a maximum of 50 meters
- Move the reticle around in a slow sweeping motion, you'll eventually notice bars on your scanner that shrink and grow, along with the sound of static. This indicates ore in the direction you are pointing.
- Once found you can clear away more of the terrain revealing the ore vein you are here to mine, as you reveal the ore vein you will notice it is outlined in green, all ore will highlight green as long as you have a mining or scanning tool active. This will help greatly in being able to retrieve even the smallest amount of ore leaving nothing behind.
- Now that you have located and cleared the area around the target ore vein, and have a basic understanding of the Scanner Tools, Directional Detector, Terraforming tool, and Mining tool, let's finish up this tutorial by actually having you mine some of this ore.
Mining a core deposit
- Collect 500 liters of the target ore. Place your targeting reticle on the highlighted ore vein, Then hold down the LMB, your brush will start purple and slowly increase in size. when you have reached max size or are happy with the radius release the LMB to collect the ore. The ore will be collected as long as you have room in your active inventory. Veins can vary in size from a few thousand liters to hundreds of thousands of liters in a single vein.
- Mine 500 liters of ore
- Proceed to the exit waypoint.
- Once you have arrived back at the starting point, you can exit the tutorial by raycasting (looking at) the Tutorial VR Pad and hitting the "F" key.
Congratulations, you have completed the core mining tutorial!
You are rewarded 20,000 Quanta and 5000 Talent points
As always in DualUniverse, there is a lot more to discover. Feel free to join you fellow Noveans for in depth discussions and additional information here: https://board.dualthegame.com/