Welcome Novean!
Below you can find information on the surface mining tutorial, it's functions and a walkthrough to assist you with your first steps as miner, or should you get lost at any point following the tutorial.
Table of contents
- General information - tutorial access
- Tier 1- Tier 5 ores
- Surface Harvesting process
- Ore refining and storing
- Exiting the VR tutorial
- Additional tutorials
General information - tutorial access
To get started with the surface mining tutorial, all you have to do is to find a VR tutorial station at any of the Markets or districts, on any of the planets / moons. Once there, interacting with the VR station or floor pad will provide the option to select all available tutorials including the Market tutorial. You would also be able to find the Mining Institute located @ ::pos{0,2,29.0607,95.1856,291.9155}
Entering the building leads you to the Mining Exhibition Area
Feel free to proceed forward into the area if you would like some basic information on the materials you will find in Dual Universe and the Tiers they are categorized into.
All ore and refined materials in Dual Universe are categorized into "Tiers" -
Tier 1- Tier 5 ores
Ore Tier |
Ore Type |
Refined Pure |
Ore Density (kg/L) |
1.28 |
1.35 |
5.04 |
2.65 |
2.71 |
4.54 |
4.00 |
1.55 |
2.6 |
2.41 |
5.01 |
7.2 |
2.95 |
6.33 |
19.3 |
2.37 |
5.38 |
3.76 |
4.55 |
6.95 |
You can find a golden path laid out for you to follow, doing so will lead you through the tutorial area, where you will access the mining tutorial itself via a VR Pod.
Surface Harvesting process
- Take the MI elevators to the Surface Harvesting Tutorial Area
- Locate an empty Tutorial VR Pod
- Activate the Surface Harvesting Tutorial Pod by raycasting (looking at) the pad itself and using the [F] key
- Once Loaded in you will find yourself in a room being guided by Aphelia to follow the green path to begin
Reaching the end of the path brings you to a display of Tier 1 and Tier 2 Ores. These displays show the ores as how they appear in the world, also that the harvestable surface rocks of these ores vary in appearance to the ore itself. Aphelia explains some basics of the ores and the Tier system by which they are categorized. - Aphelia, at this point sets a waypoint for you, located outside of the building, you are to reach to continue the tutorial.
- Follow the white lined path across the platform and down the ramp, proceed to the waypoint indicated in your UI
- Equip your surface harvesting tool - default [1] on your toolbar, as highlighted at this step by Aphelia with a green box in your UI
- Harvest some Tier 1 resources
If in doubt check the objective reminders in the upper left hand of the screen corresponding to these goals. Harvestable Surface Materials can be Identified by hovering the reticle (mouse pointer) over them with the harvesting tool equipped. - Proceed to harvest the Required Tier 1 materials as indicated in the Objective Reminders
- Harvest the materials by raycasting (looking at) the surface rock and clicking and holding the LMB (left mouse button) until the harvesting mechanic has completed. This is indicated by the growing diamond in the reticle that disappears upon collection of the surface material targeted. Collect enough Hematite (Iron Ore) to process a batch of Pure Iron - Iron is the purified form of hematite ore. All ore can be processed into pure materials, though higher tier materials will require the matching talents and industry to achieve this goal.
Ore refining and storing
- Once the proper amount of Hematite Ore is collected, open your Nano-Crafter by hitting the "K" key
- Filter the NanoCrafter listing by selecting the "Show only Doable" box indicated by the highlighted green box.
- Select the PURE IRON schematic. At this point you will be informed on talents that can reduce the amount of base materials such as ore it takes to craft a batch of pure material.
- Use the "Add to Batch" button highlighted in the green marker box
- Close the crafting window via the "X" highlighted in the green marker box located in the upper left corner of the crafting window.
- Follow the waypoint to proceed back to the platform you came from.
- Place your completed batch of IRON PURE into the highlighted container, this is done by raycasting (looking at) the element and hitting the "F" key. This will open an inventory interface showing your active inventory in the left window and the inventory of the container unit in the right
- Select the item with LMB and drag-and-dropped to the desired location in the target container (click the left mouse button and hold it down while the item is selected to drag, release to drop)
- After item transfer close the window via the "x" highlighted by the green marker box - alternatively you can use "[esc]"
At this point the surface mining tutorial is finished
Aphelia informs you of the Sanctuary Moon and its protections, and reminds you to claim a tile there as a good way to start earning Quanta by Surface Harvesting. Once again you are told of the shuttle service that can take you between Alioth and the Sanctuary Moon
Exiting the VR tutorial
Follow the green path you originally came in on, back to the market teleport pad indicated by the waypoint placed in your UI, and use [F]
Congratulations, you have completed the surface mining tutorial!
As always in DualUniverse, there is a lot more to discover. Feel free to join you fellow Noveans for in depth discussions and additional information here: https://board.dualthegame.com/