Hello Noveans,
We realize there is some confusion regarding whether certain scenarios occurring within the game world are permitted or not, and would like to clarify these points for everyone. In short, we’d like to ask our community to use common sense when encountering issues in the game; If it looks like an exploit, smells like an exploit (do pixels smell?), or sounds like an exploit, chances are it is an exploit. Don’t DU it! Report it. (support.dualthegame.com)
Reporting these bugs/issues is important. Abusing them may lead to sanctions against accounts, up to and including removal from the game. We will not take ignorance as an excuse, especially in the following list of scenarios. Please note this is not an exhaustive list, and we will continue to expand upon it as needed:
- Parenting Ships - Dragged to PVP Space: This is a hot topic and one we wish to be very clear on. Intentionally parenting any construct without permission of the owner is not intended for game play. A fix has been rolled out that will address the ability to parent constructs together via the maneuver tool. As we have not previously clarified this point, we will not retroactively punish this abuse, as of this moment forward abusing similar bugs/tools to replicate this maneuver in its current state can result in disciplinary actions on an account. [Not Allowed]
- Attacking PVP Zone from Safe Space: Our team has been investigating complaints of ships being attacked in the PVP zone from ships outside of the zone. Our investigations strongly point to sync issues between clients. We will continue to work with this feature, but recommend players consider the zone lines for PVP to be somewhat fluid and not absolute. Our version of the neutral zone! We ask that you continue to report cases with positions, but will not action accounts at this time, unless an additional exploit is discovered. [Allowed]
- Theft Via RDMS: RDMS permissions and settings are the sole discretion of each player. We advise you take the time to get to know and understand the system and be cautious when making a construct or element usable by unknown players, including the use of your friends list. Not every player has your best interest at heart. We can not get involved with permission based theft, whether as an individual or an organization. We encourage you to review your friends list each time you add or remove someone and ensure your construct permissions are set accordingly. The context menu options that set public access currently do not have a confirmation prompt, be careful as setting public access to said construct will allow every player in Dual Universe to go into build mode and remove/place elements and voxels. [Allowed]
- Environmental Walls/Creations: Use of the environmental and voxel tools allows the manipulation of terrain on owned and unowned tiles. You may build walls or other structures up to the allowed height, however, said constructions must not:
- Block access to market places or tutorials
- Must abide by our Community Standards (phallic/sexual, political, religious or otherwise offensive shapes are not permitted)
- Must not be placed with the intention of interfering with neighboring players. When players can not agree, the final decision on what is and is not acceptable is decided on a case-by-case basis by Novaquark staff.
- Does not block a construct core during the Inactive Asset Requisitioning 'unclaiming' process
- Marketplace Construct Parking: Players are permitted to park at marketplaces with their transport vehicles so long as they are not preventing use to other players or obstructing entry or exit points. Vehicles whose purpose is advertising (organization, service or otherwise) must abide by the following rules.
- Organizations and individuals wishing to advertise at markets may have one advertising construct per district maximum
- Constructs may not be larger than “Small” sized
- Constructs may not block access to any building, entry points or dispensers
- Advertisements must not be placed/parented on constructs that don’t belong to you
- Constructs that violate these terms will be removed from the game without warning or compensation.
- Mass Manipulation in Transportation: Players who utilize bugs to bypass the weight penalty of their inventory, other players, other constructs, etc to move mass through the game are not permitted. This includes:
- Adding additional mass to an already piloted ship [Fixed]
- Docking mass to an already piloted ship [Fixed]
- Circumventing linked container range [Fix Pending] [Not Allowed]
- Item Duplication: Any method of duplicating items or resources (including quanta) is not allowed at any time. Any incidents of bugs of this nature must be reported to the support team at support.dualthegame.com [Not Allowed]
- Boarding without permission: The Docking function has been released!
We do recommend you keep regular backups of your constructs in the form of blueprints, so in the case you lose a ship (through intended means (sale, give away etc), or undesired results such as in PVP, you can still recreate it later.
How to Blueprint (to save your ship/build):
Enter build-mode on the construct, right click anywhere on the construct and click “Create Blueprint”. The blueprint will then be generated inside your currently active inventory. It is wise to keep hold of a copy of any of your blueprints inside your personal nanopack, as these are safe and not lost upon respawning.
We realize this is not an exhaustive list, and we will expand upon it as time goes on. We also understand some members of our community feel that using a bug or exploit prior to acknowledgement by Novaquark is considered okay. We’d like to state that any intentional use of a known bug or exploit will be treated harshly going forward. This is the one and only warning we will issue on this topic. Please just don’t DU it!
On behalf of the entire team, we thank you for helping us make Dual Universe a better place!
The Novaquark Team
Original Source: https://board.dualthegame.com/index.php?/topic/20949-clarification-regarding-bug-exploits-griefing/