When attempting to make purchases, there are a number of issues you may encounter. The following are the most common issues and the suggested troubleshooting to reach a resolution.
Purchase Cancelled After Checkout
If you make a purchase and it appears to succeed, in some cases, you may receive a notification that it was cancelled. This is often due to incorrect or out-of-date payment information provided at the time of checkout. Please ensure that you double check the following information:
- Card Number
- Expiration Date
- CVV/Security Code
- ZIP Code
In an effort to limit potential fraud, Xsolla has security measures in place to automatically cancel transactions with incorrect payment information. Ensure that it is entirely correctly inputted to avoid this.
Error 3030
When inputting incorrect information or when using a VPN that differs from the region you are currently in, you may encounter the following message:
3030: The payment method you selected is unavailable in your region. Please try again with a different payment method or contact our customer support for further assistance at help.xsolla.com.
You can attempt another payment method, disable your VPN, or go to help.xsolla.com to assist in determining the exact causal factor.
Error 3032
When Xsolla encounters issues on their end, either server-side or for maintenance, your payment may be cancelled or discarded with the following message:
3032: Sorry, the payment cannot be completed now. Please try again later or contact Xsolla customer support.
It may take up to a day for their servers to settle whenever this issue arises. If the issue persists, you may reach out to Xsolla support directly to further investigate the issue at help.xsolla.com.
Error 500
There may be times when our own servers are encountering high traffic of users, which may cause issues during transactions. Typically, it takes a few hours to resolve itself, and rest assured that our team is continuously optimizing our server load to remedy this.
If you continue to encounter any other purchase issues, including double charges, you can contact Xsolla directly by going to help.xsolla.com.