Our payment system processor is through Xsolla, this allows a wide variety of payment options for you to use for your convenience. We accept typical payment methods in addition to less common payment methods that will vary based on your region. Payment methods may be added at any time and are subject to change.
Individuals that live in the United States and Canada will be charged in USD, whereas other regions will be charged in Euros.
Adding Payment Type
You can add a new payment type by following these steps:
Click Pledge & Play.
Input your e-mail address and then click "Checkout".
Click "My Payment Accounts" on the top-right of the window, from the drop-down menus.
Click "+Add account".
Here you can change your payment information, accurately input your card number, expiration date, ZIP code, and CCV/security code in the designated fields and then click "Save".
If you encounter any issues with purchases, please refer to our Purchase Troubleshooting guide.