If you are encountering performance issues, please be sure that your system meets or exceeds the requirements.
CPU (Processor)
Intel Core i5-6500 (3.2 GHz) / AMD Ryzen 5 2600 (3.4 GHz)
Memory (Ram)
8 GB
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 (3 GB) / AMD Radeon RX 580
Operating System
Windows 10
CPU (Processor)
Intel Core i7-7700 (3.6 GHz) / AMD Ryzen 7 1700 (3.00 GHZ)
Memory (Ram)
16 GB
AMD RX 580 (8 GB) / NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 (8 GB)
Operating System
Windows 10
Windows 11
Don’t meet the minimum requirements? Try Dual Universe on Geforce Now.
*Please note that we do not support systems below our specified minimum requirements. Therefore, we won't provide extensive assistance in the event that you attempt to run the game on such configurations and encounter issues.
WARNING: Windows 8 is not compatible with Dual Universe. We are currently having problems with this OS which completely prevents the game to be launched on it.
While we can't advise you to upgrade to Windows 10/11, for we cannot legally shoulder the potential consequences, we unfortunately also have no solution to provide if you choose to remain using Windows 8.
AVX instructions required to run Dual Universe
To run Dual universe, you will need a CPU with AVX instructions.
This set of instructions are available for the following CPU families:
- Any intel CPU named "core i3/i5/i7" released since Q1 2011 should be able to handle AVX instructions.
- A majority of AMD CPU since Q4 2011 (see the list below).
CPUs named "Pentium" or "Celeron" (CPUs essentially used for non-gaming oriented computers), even released after 2011, have a very high chance of not being able to handle AVX instructions.
To identify your processor open the start-menu and type "system information", the system summary tab will have your processor type and number listed.
You can then use a search engine of your choice, and search for "[processor name /number] AVX". For intel processors you can also check the official Intel processor specifications website here (use "search" top right, fill in processor name or number, click result, check "specifications" tab and navigate to advanced technologies - instruction set extensions)
For the AMD Processor family, please use the aforementioned search engine method.
Q: Would it be possible to play the game with a CPU that doesn't support AVX instructions?
Unfortunately, that is not possible. AVX instructions are vital to handle procedural generation at a decent speed. We might find a solution in the long term, but we can't guarantee it right now, as this would necessitate months of development to make the game compatible with CPU architectures not supporting AVX for a result that could be very unsatisfactory in terms of performances to play the game. We understand this can be very frustrating news for those who are affected by this problem, but as always, we prefer to be as transparent as possible regarding the issues encountered.
Best regards,
The Novaquark team.